Replacement Sink Plugs, Bath & Basin Plugs, Chains & Waste Spares
Spare plugs & chains - Basin plugs, bath plugs & sink plugs in chrome and gold finishes
- Compatible with all types of bath, basin and sink wastes
- Universal fit - For baths, basins & Sink wastes
- Parts for Pop Up Wastes
Replacement ball link chain, stay and black rubber basin plug
A gold plated basin plug with oval linked chain and stay
Solid brass replacement plug with extra strong chain - Chrome finish
Replacement oval link chain and stay for basin plugs
Replacement oval link chain and hooks for bath plugs
Replacement ball link chain and hooks for bath plugs
A standard size plug suitable for all basin pop up wastes - Chrome
A standard size plug suitable for all basin pop up wastes - Gold Plated Finish
A special size mini pop up plug for smaller than normal wastes - 35mm plug diameter
A replacement pop up plug for Ideal Standard basin wastes
A luxury replacement pop up plug to fit square style pop up wastes - For basin wastes
A standard sized plug to fit most bath pop up wastes - Gold Plated finish
An ingenious plug that brilliantly fits any waste - available in Black or White
Metal joining linkeage for connecting pop up waste rods
An economical joiner linkeage for pop up waste rods
Replacement gold plated rod set for pop up basin wastes - includes all rods and joiner linkeages
Replacement rod set for pop up basin wastes - includes all rods and joiner linkeage
A replacement clicker mechanism suitable for most clicker basin wastes