Stainless Steel Kitchen Sinks
Designer stainless steel kitchen sinks in a variety of bowl and drainer layouts + compact sinks for small spaces and utility rooms
- Surface mounted sinks and undermounted kitchen sinks
- All sinks include fixings and FREE waste kits
- Fast FREE UK delivery for all sinks over £100!
An essential value stainless steel sink/drainer - Shallow bowl (135mm)
A spacious contemporary design single bowl sink/drainer - 965 x 500mm
A contemporary design 'bowl and half' sink/drainer - 965 x 500mm
Euroline reversible slimline sink for smaller depth cabinets
A reversible slimline sink for smaller depth cabinets
A large capacity reversible sink with 200mm deep bowl - 1 Tap Hole
A premium sink and drainer with extra large 45 x 40 bowl
An extra large single bowl inset/surface mounted kitchen sink
An extra wide double bowl sink wiuth drainer - 1150mm wide
A spacesaving bowl and drainer combination sink - only 60cm wide
A super large (84 x 46cm) single bowl integrated mounted kitchen sink
A deep, large capacity (50 x 40cm) single bowl integrated mounted kitchen sink
A rectangular kitchen bowl suitable for both surface and undermount installation
A round kitchen sink suitable for both surface and undermount installation
A 450mm diameter inset/undermount round kitchen sink by Hafele
A '1.5' configuration contemporary design undermount sink available left or right handed
A universal half bowl sink - can be surface (flush) , inset or undermount fitted
A brilliant cream polish to brighten, rejuvenate and improve stainless steel sinks and surfaces